Monday, April 15, 2013

Six Legs or Eight?

Just to start you off, I'll throw this in for you....

Many of you have been asking me if I have seen a polar bear yet.  I haven't.  I did have the option to see one chopped up in a billion pieces but I opted not to.  I did however get to see three wolves, dead.  

I did get to see an adorable puppy named, Ace.  He loves to run and I think that he and Sally would get along nicely.  It makes me with I had a puppy to play with too.  
 Here's a little girl who has a brother whom is in my class.  This girl however is the cousin of this puppy, technically speaking.  She wanted to hold him then giggled the whole time.

I don't think you can tell but her hat is minnie ears :D
This is the door that I had to dig out before getting inside last week.  It was quite pleasant  NOT!  I had my tennis shoes on and the shovel was on the inside of the door, not where it would be located conveniently  outside.  
 Here are the 'bees' we made last week!  I pre painted toilet paper tubes, yellow.  I showed the kiddos how to paint stripes on the bees but some still turned out to be all black.  I added google eyes and wax paper wings to the bees.  I hung them from the ceiling and the next day when the kids arrived, they couldn't stop staring   They thought it was the coolest thing!  I did make a bee hive but it wasn't up yet when I took the picture.  It was made out of poster board and then I painted bubble wrap, with brown paint, and used that to paint all of the dots on the hive.

 Here is our bug wall.  We made butterflies, dragonflies, butterflies, bees and caterpillars. the caterpillars are all on the bottom and made from pipe cleaners and pony beads.

We also made a spider bulletin board but it got taken down before I got a chance to take my picture. I used white yarn to make a web then I added the kiddos hands to the web to be spiders.  We even glued 8 eyes on each!!

I took this picture last night at 10:00pm.  I wanted to also point out that it looked exactly the same at almost 10:30pm.  Eventually, I did fall asleep.

I didn't think the light thing would be a big deal for me but I am really looking forward to having equal (ish) amounts of light and dark.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

40 Days...and 39 Nights :)

Okay, I know you've all been asking for an update but I really don't have tons to say.  I'll give you a quick lowdown on what's new.
It's getting light at about 7:20am and is getting dark about 11:40pm.
I'm still going to bed around 7:30pm every day, no joke.
I've been counting down the days until I leave for over two weeks.
I'm down to 40 days, including weekends.
I include weekends because I tend to forget that I'm counting down on the weekend and then when I do remember the days have jumped down a couple.  This makes me happy.
I'm still looking for jobs in Florida for next school year.
If you didn't know I'm looking for jobs in Florida for next school year, surprise!!
I'm not returning to Shishmaref next year; however, I will miss it.
I made lots of new materials for "Six Legs or Eight" this week. - Can you guess what the topic is?

Here are some pictures of the happenings of the last few weeks.

This picture was taken during "Zoo Clues" week and we were all dancing like monkeys.  The kiddos love the song 'Animal Action (2)' where they get to act like lots of different zoo animals.
Oh, the Easter Egg hunt!  We made Easter baskets then used them to hold our eggs that we found.  Each friend in the class got one egg.  Mat and Mickey hid the eggs around the room and the kids got to find their own.  If they found one that did not belong to them they were supposed to put it back and NOT TELL that friend where it was hiding...this was difficult for many.  After we found our eggs we sat in a circle and each opened them one by one.  What was inside?  Chocolate, money, chocolate money?  Nope, a math activity!  Each child was in charge of identifiying then number on the paper and I read the rest. Some of them read:  Jump 5 times.  Pretend you're playing basketball for 30 seconds.  Spin in a circle 2 times.
Pam (my itinerate principal) came to observe me.  She brought this bubble activity.  The steps are below:
1. Cut a small hole for a straw to fit through the top of the cup (one side).
2. Place the straw into the cup through the hole until it reaches the other side of the cup.
3. tape the straw in place.
4. place a paper towel square over the top of the cup so there is  excess around it.
5.  Place a rubber band around the cup to secure the paper towel.
6.  It works best if you have the rubber band wrap around 2 times, one on top of the straw and one below.
7.  Dip the cup upside down (so the paper towel gets saturated) into the bubble mix (or dawn with water combination.)
8.  Turn the cup right-side up and blow into the straw.
Hint:  Make sure to blow into it like if you were trying to blow out a marshmallow on fire, vs drinking juice.

 When the kiddos are being great listenings/direction follows/genuinely kind people, they get a sticker to put on their caterpillar.  After filling the caterpillar (10 stickers) they get to choose a prize from the treasure box.  This child chose awesome glasses!

Here's more Easter baskets, Easter eggs, bunny ears, and a super excited child :)