Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Photo Gallery

Will it sink or float?  
 We used a tub of water and guessed what would sink or float.  These are a few of the things we guessed would sink:  play dough container, a ball, a wooden block, and a button. Some things that we guessed would float are:  a foam block, a ball, and a puzzle piece.
Our classroom!

Do you see the easel? I built it!  I followed the instructions, so don't worry about it toppling over. 

Science Lab

 Here's the Science area.  On the shelf we have a globe, which I know is more for Social Studies, a balance, magnifying glasses, bug sorters, magnets, kaleidoscopes, and a "feely box".

Our best work :)

The doorway on the right is the door the children come though when they arrive.  The purple papers have their names on them and will be used to display what the students' feel is their best work!  Today, we all did our best work to color, cut, and glue a stocking.  What will be displayed next?  

Circle Time

Here is where we do our morning greetings as well as all other whole group activities.  

Literacy Lab

What you see here is our Literacy Lab.  During Learning Labs, children have the opportunity to go work on the board which is magnetic; they can use magnetic letters as well as use dry erase markers.  In this lab area, there is also a shelf which contains many other literacy activities that the children can do.  There are alphabet puzzles, dry erase cards, letter beads, as well as many more choices.  

Almost Thanksgiving!
                                                                                      Here, the children are making turkeys!  I had all of the shapes traced but the kids were in charge of cutting them out.  Some of the turkeys look a little different, but most do look the same.  Even though that's good, I was kind of hoping otherwise.  

Dramatic Play Lab
Here's where we play "Kitchen" and "Store" and other things, but basically, that's about it.  We love playing with the cash register the most and the new classroom came with new phones to play with, and new kitchen toys!

Cute board!
Here's the cute chalkboard!  Okay, so it's not a chalkboard anymore.  Under the red paper however, it is!  Around the board, I used tissue paper and just twisted and stapled/taped.  I didn't think of this idea myself; I stole it from Sammy.  While in college however, I was also told, "Why reinvent the wheel"; so, I didn't.  

Parent Board
This is where parents sign in (on the table) and can get information about what will be going on in the classroom throughout the week.  As well as the sign in on the table, on can also find the weekly newsletter and books that can be checked out for parents, to help them through stages of their child's development.  

Sand/Water Lab
Here's the Sand/Water Lab!  The kids love this area, especially when it's water day.  I mean, think about it. If you lived on an island that was completely sand (when it's not snow of course) would you want to come inside and play with sand?  I have had enough sand for a lifetime.  Unless of couse we start talking about vacationing at a beach, then that's a different story. 
The bags on the board that you see are our birthday bags.  I made those, as well as the people sticking out of them, using the Cricut. Yes, that word pronounced like the annoying bug that chirps.  

Cute :)

Here are a couple of my children playing with boxes.  The theme was 'Boxes and Balls'.  I actually brought these boxes with me from WI. When I go home for break, I intend on getting the cylindrical boxes as well.  

Colored Spaghetti?
What's going on??  Well, I'll tell you.  I'm eating spaghetti.  No, I'm not using propor table manners and yes, the children are watching.  These colored noodles were used for our turkey art.  I was so thrilled that I found this activity (to dye noodles, fall colors, and use them as the feathers for turkeys).  The kids however, they weren't so interested.  They thought the activity had too much sensory, in a bad way.  Apparently, sticky noodles are not the way to play.   

I saw an activity online that said that if you cook 'Ivory' soap in the microwave then it will look like this and you can mold it.  Well, I bought some of this soap to give it a try and guess what?!?! It didn't work.  It did look like this from the microwave, but it wasn't moldable.  It was too hot to play with and when it did cool down then it was just a layer of soap.  


I finally finished my book!!! I got it for my birthday and started reading it over the summer.  I actually forced myself to finish it in three nights.  Now, I just look forward to watching the movie.  I got it on Black Friday (phone shopping on this day is the way to go!) and will get it when I go home for break!  

Sally O'Mally

Here is the look of "No more pictures please. Just let me go hide under the bed."  Sally's doing swell! Last night, I think I actually was petting her in my sleep because I woke up and she was on my tummy and well, I was petting her.  

Sled dogs <3

Here are some pictures of the sled dogs and me, in the frosty air.  I feel bad for the dogs being outside.  I know they are fine but I'd still rather have them inside.  

Yes, you see it right!! I've got my official teaching certificate!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren! This is awesome! I am so jealous of your classroom. I will be moving to the room next door to mine in a few weeks, but I am excited for new kids. We switch kids during winter break, it' so strange.

    I love all the activity areas. No need to re-invent the wheel, that's what I keep saying too.
