Being a teacher keeps me busy. Holy cow. So busy. I've heard that when a teacher is sick, it's easier to be at school than not due to sub plans being such a pain. I never really understood until now. I planned my 5 days for when I'm not going to be there and created detailed, step-by-step lessons for the course of each day. After creating the plans for each day, I made sure all of the supplies were ready for each day and sorted each day's materials into the appropriate boxes. What boxes? I have clear boxes that I labeled for each day of the week as well as an extra materials box. So, I sorted each of the materials and put all of the extra supplies as well as the supplies I will need when I get back in the 'Extra Materials' box.
One of the materials I got to make for while I will be gone is a collection of magnetic fish! I started out by printing out an outline of a fish (22 times) then coloring each of the fish. Okay, so I didn't color them completely; I just outlined them, but not because i'm lazy, because I didn't want to use all of the ink in my markers. I love markers too much to lose the ink so quickly. After outlining each of the fish, I wrote the numerals on the fish: 1 numeral per fish. Then I started to cut out the fish. T he only scissors available were the gigantic ones. You know the ones I mean: the size that could be considered a sword for a 4 year old. Yes, those. Anyway, I started to cut out the fish and gave up right away, it was going to take too long. So, I went onto plan B (which I came up with right on the spot, but didn't know why it wasn't plan A.) I got out the cricut (which is a super cool machine that cuts out miscellaneous shapes) and cut out fish in multiple colors. I added the numerals to the fish and laminated them to keep them safe. After the lamination process, I had the pleasure of cutting out the fish. Isn't that what I avoided the first time? Yes. This time however, the lamination could be cut out in a rounded fashion, instead of directly on lines. Eventually I got to add the magnets to the back of the fish. "Oh that's cool, so you can put them on the fridge, right?" Nope. I wanted the kids to be able to use magnetic fishing poles to pick up the fish. They're going to put the fish in numerical order in the end.
OH MY GOSH, I SAW THE NORTHERN LIGHTS!!! They were amazing!! I was actually woken up at 12:30am to see them. Oh my, how good bed sounds right now. Anyway, so I got out of bed and put on my boots and ran outside. It was very chilly but it was definitely worth it! The sky had a long twist of green in it. I stood outside for a half hour. Yes, in the cold, Yes, it was still worth it in the end. Did I mention that I had a cold before I went outside? Well, I did. Did it go away afterwards? Yes! - Okay, so it didn't really go away, that was only a wish.

So, here's the deal. I know I haven't updated in quite some time. Why is that? I was home!!! I went to Menomonie, Altoona, and West Bend! :) I had such a wonderful time and didn't want to come back to Shish. It's not that I don't like Shish, because I do! I just really like Menomonie. It's been my home for the last 5 years so can't it be more comfortable to be there? Maybe if I lived in Shish for 5 years I would feel that way about it too. I guess we'll have to wait and see what I decide to do.
While I was home, I got my kitty!!!! She's so adorable, loves to cuddle, she's adventurous, and so far, she's a great traveler. We've been in transit for 15 hours and he's held up well. There have been no accidents but I'd rather have that than a kitty with a bladder infection so I guess I'll just have to hope for the best at this point. Sally O'Mally is also a handful. She's tried to escape already! I think the idea of the carrier is not her most exciting thought. She wants to walk all around the airport but I won't let her. I tried to explain that she will be able to do that in Nome, but not in Anchorage.
I will be boarding the plane to Nome shortly, then will be spending the entire day there. What am I going to do? I don't have the slightest idea. I will have a kitty with me and a small airport with no WI-FI. Any ideas? How am I supposed to eat? Can I bring my kitty to Airport Pizza? Can't you hear them saying it? "Yes! We've got cans of tuna set aside for this exact purpose." Wouldn't that be nice to hear. Somehow, I don't think that is how the day is going to go. Maybe I'll have to have a super expensive lunch delivered to the airport.
Okay, I ordered chinese and had it delivered to the airport. Chicken fried rice is good in the airport when you're watching Grey's Anatomy too. Now I've just got to find time to finish the season as well as the new to DVD season of Big Bang. When am I going to find time for all of this? I don't have the littlest speck of an idea.
OH MY GOSH, I SAW THE NORTHERN LIGHTS!!! They were amazing!! I was actually woken up at 12:30am to see them. Oh my, how good bed sounds right now. Anyway, so I got out of bed and put on my boots and ran outside. It was very chilly but it was definitely worth it! The sky had a long twist of green in it. I stood outside for a half hour. Yes, in the cold, Yes, it was still worth it in the end. Did I mention that I had a cold before I went outside? Well, I did. Did it go away afterwards? Yes! - Okay, so it didn't really go away, that was only a wish.
So, here's the deal. I know I haven't updated in quite some time. Why is that? I was home!!! I went to Menomonie, Altoona, and West Bend! :) I had such a wonderful time and didn't want to come back to Shish. It's not that I don't like Shish, because I do! I just really like Menomonie. It's been my home for the last 5 years so can't it be more comfortable to be there? Maybe if I lived in Shish for 5 years I would feel that way about it too. I guess we'll have to wait and see what I decide to do.
While I was home, I got my kitty!!!! She's so adorable, loves to cuddle, she's adventurous, and so far, she's a great traveler. We've been in transit for 15 hours and he's held up well. There have been no accidents but I'd rather have that than a kitty with a bladder infection so I guess I'll just have to hope for the best at this point. Sally O'Mally is also a handful. She's tried to escape already! I think the idea of the carrier is not her most exciting thought. She wants to walk all around the airport but I won't let her. I tried to explain that she will be able to do that in Nome, but not in Anchorage.
I will be boarding the plane to Nome shortly, then will be spending the entire day there. What am I going to do? I don't have the slightest idea. I will have a kitty with me and a small airport with no WI-FI. Any ideas? How am I supposed to eat? Can I bring my kitty to Airport Pizza? Can't you hear them saying it? "Yes! We've got cans of tuna set aside for this exact purpose." Wouldn't that be nice to hear. Somehow, I don't think that is how the day is going to go. Maybe I'll have to have a super expensive lunch delivered to the airport.
Okay, I ordered chinese and had it delivered to the airport. Chicken fried rice is good in the airport when you're watching Grey's Anatomy too. Now I've just got to find time to finish the season as well as the new to DVD season of Big Bang. When am I going to find time for all of this? I don't have the littlest speck of an idea.
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