Monday, October 22, 2012

Getting Chilly?

“This time, this place...” It’s great how songs can get you thinking about so many things, isn’t it? Places, people, things, topics taking over the brains of many. 

The weather here is getting chilly and the snow is starting to stick.  I’ve heard that it’s not going to be gone until after I am, for summer that is.  I think It’s easier to walk on frozen over sand than squishy sand.  In addition to that, I like the sound of the crunching snow below my boots.  What’s the best part of snow?  Watching the kids play in it, no question. 

School is going well.  The building I’m supposed to be in is still being worked on. Originally, I was supposed to be able to teach in there staring October 15th.  No, that didn’t happen.  Was I upset about it, a little.  But hey, the longer it takes, the better the building will be, right?  I sure hope you think so, because I may be saying that but I’m working on believing it still. 

I started drawing up classroom layouts.  I’m so thrilled to start organizing the room.  I’ve got small containers coming for the supplies and I can picture the ‘cuteness’ flowing through the air.  I know, I know, cuteness isn’t the most important part.  I am also considering functionality and accessibility.    I’m just so excited to get started, I think, scratch that, I know that I will be in my classroom the whole weekend when I get to move in.  When you close your eyes, eckeemm, close your eyes.  Wait, keep reading, then close your eyes and try this:  Close your eyes, what do you see?  Do you see your friends, your family, a place, you?  Do you see something you have been thinking about for a while, some kind of change?  I see myself in my classroom, putting up the whiteboard in my classroom.  Your turn, what do you see? 

Sally O’Mally (O’Meowie) is great!  She enjoys chasing the laser, and chewing on my computer corner, but only while I’m using it, yes she’s doing it right now too, so at least I can monitor the chewing.   She also likes to play with the stuffed monkey I have (thanks Shayla for Sally’s toy.)  Something I’ve noticed about her is that she likes to stretch on me, especially after I shower.  I think she enjoys the smell of the pomegranate body wash.  In addition to stretching she loves giving kisses. It doesn’t matter if she’s getting in the way of what I’m doing, she will proceed to give as many kisses as she wants to.  Oh, she also enjoys walking right in front of my face while laying in bed; why do I love when she does this?  Because she walks so nicely then stops just when her butt is in my face.  It’s quite pleasant; at least she hasn’t farted on me yet.  Yes, that’s the plus side to this one.  I love having my little bugger around!

What’s the highlight in Shishmaref?  Going to the dump! I’ve been here how long and I’ve been missing out on this experience?  Well, not anymore.  I’ve officially had the experience of a lifetime. Go me!  Want to hear the story?  Of course you do.  I will start from the beginning.  Why do people say that?  Why can’t one start the story 7/16 of the way through?  It would be a confusing story, but a story nonetheless. 

I woke up Saturday morning and fed Sally.  Too far before the beginning – okay, fast-forward a bit.  We’re supposed to get water from the washeteria because nobody wants the school to run out of water, so that was the plan for Saturday morning.  Well, in order to get water from the washeteria the truck is needed.  Yes, it’s the same truck I learned how to drive stick-shift on.  Anyway, the key was missing so we went for the Honda key.  Was that there?  No. I ended up getting water from the school.  No, me getting water from the school one time isn’t going to turn Shishmaref into the land of a drought.  So, I learned how to get water from the school.  Yes, this is much nicer than getting it from the washeteria.  Here’s why:

Washeteria:  1. Get the pump from Amy’s house. 2.  Find keys for the truck. 3. Lift the heavy 125 gallon tank into the back of the truck.  4. Drive to the washeteria. 5. Set up the hose so that the water goes in the tank and not on the ground. 6. Place 8 quarters into the machine to start water flow. 7. Turn off water flow just before the tank overflows.  8. Place cover on the tank.  9. Drive back to where the tank is located that water will be transferred.  10.  Hook up pump to the hose and put the other end in the water tank.  11. Place the pump in the full water tank then plug in the cord.  12.  Wait for the water to transfer tanks.  12.  Unplug the cord and carefully disassemble the cords and pumps.  Repeat steps 4-12 as many times as necessary to fill the water tank.  4 times for my house

School:  1.  Get the key and the extra hose from Amy’s house.  2.  Connect the hose from Amy’s to the hose from school and the hose to my house, to create a long enough hose to reach from the school to my house.  3.  Place one end of the hose into the tank and the other end to the spicket at the school.  4.  Turn the key to allow water to flow.  5. Wait for the water to fill the tank.  Make sure to check occasionally to make sure the water doesn’t overflow

Doesn’t the school one seem much easier?  I agree.  Anyway, I got the water then we found the truck keys.  We waited for them to be returned so we could make run to the dump.  Here’s the part you’ve been waiting for! So, we filled the back of the truck with garbage and were about to head out when Bob noticed the truck had a flat tire.  Alright, so we got the truck, filled it up, and now there’ s a flat.  You’ve got to be kidding me, right?  Nope, not even close.  Eventually, we took the Honda key.  Guess who got to drive? No, not Santa Clause.  I did!  After we got the Honda, I drove us to the trailer and Amy attached it.  Then I said, “Which way to the dump?”  Amy’s response. “It’s that way but we need to go this way to get the stuff to take to the dump.”  Yep, that’s right, I was so excited to go to the dump that I was going to take an empty trailer down there.

So, we transferred everything from the back of the truck to the trailer of the Honda and headed off.  It was rather chilly but it was worth it because I was on the 3rd gear of the Honda, which I had never done.  So, we were going to the dump and must have it one too many bumps because the trailer detached from the Honda.  Amy attached it again and we proceeded on.  We got about 50 feet ahead and it detached again!  This time, Amy jumped on the metal pole that connects to be sure it was connected.  We got going again and made it a bit further.  I could see the dump!  What happened?  Take a guess.  Yep, the trailer fell off again!!  We attached it and proceeded to the dump.  Guess what?!!? We made it!!!! 

We took everything from the trailer and put it on the ground in a pile.  Then, I got to play with something I’ve never played with before. This special thing was called a blow torch.  Oh my gosh, I feel like Junie B. Jones.  The B stands for Beatrice but she just likes B and that’s all.  Anyway, Amy showed me how to use the blow torch and I got to put stuff on fire.  I mean, real stuff, not just marshmallows and candles.  I burnt boxes, and a bike tire, and I burnt a frozen pizza to a crisp!  I know what you’re thinking.  There’s no way you did that, Lauren.  You’re afraid of fire.  And you’re right, I am.  And even after playing with the blow torch, I still am afraid of fire.  There’s something about it that will scare me forever I think. 

Well, after we made sure the fire would burn everything up we headed back to town in the Honda and attempted to bring the trailer with us.  Yes, I did say attempted.  The trailer detached 3 times on the way back!  Two of these times, it almost went down the hill into the ditch.  The trailer is HEAVY, it would have been a difficult job to get it back up the hill, no matter how small. 

Eventually, we made it back and I worked really hard to back up the Honda and put the trailer in it’s appropriate spot.  I did the best I could but I can see it rolling slightly down a hill.  Relax, it’s not a big hill.  Relax, nothing will be damaged if it had rolled.  Maybe I’ll look into the trailer tomorrow; at least that way I’d know if it rolled or not. 

I’m headed to Stebbins on Wednesday after school for in-service.   I will be there until Saturday.  I’m not sure exactly what the schedule is for while we are there, but does any of it pertain to ECE?  Nope.  My hope is that I will catch something that I can incorporate into my classroom, if not already doing so. 

If you have a question, feel free to ask, Maybe I’ll do a post of all Q&A’s.  Please note that I did say ‘Maybe’.  I guess we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,
    Richard and I just love your updates. I check your blog daily hoping to find a new posting. Hope your Stebbens' inservice goes well this week!
