Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Building!! ---Soon to come.

Dear Readers,

I'm almost 8 months old!
I’ve been in the no writing zone for a long time now.  I don’t think I will be getting my writing motivation back any time soon.  What does this mean?  I’ll tell you.  This will be my last blog post.  Yep, you read that right.  After this post, I will try to make it long enough for you, I will no longer be adding to my blog.

Sally’s doing great! She loves her purple, fuzzy ball.  She enjoys chasing it around the house as well as sitting calmly with it.  What do you picture as calm?  It’s probably not what I mean for this situation.  Let me rephrase that then.  She likes lying on the floor with her ball and every time you move she thinks you will take it away from her so she takes off with it.  Is that better?  I hope so.  Sally also enjoys playing beauty salon.  Yep, the same game you enjoyed playing when you were seven years old.  How does she play?  Well, first off, I don’t let her use real scissors. He does wash my hair with her tongue then brushes it with her claws.  I noticed last night in particular because I woke up to her playing this game.  It’s not always my favorite game to play with her; however, when she wants to play when I have bed head already, I don’t mind. 

Lunch?  No, really, they're plums.

Can we please have a silly pose?
School is going well.  I’ve been busy working on vocabulary with my students.  That’s a large problem here.  So many of the children have such a limited vocabulary that it is difficult to explain things to them sometimes.  Here’s an example of what I mean.  We were talking about the letter ‘Aa’ and coming up with words that started with that letter.  Someone said ‘aunt’.  I asked (to clarify) if he meant the person or the tiny bug that crawls on the ground.  He said the person, so I wrote ‘aunt’ on our paper. It wasn’t until later that I realized that he, as well as the rest of the students in the class, probably had no idea what I was talking about when I said “The tiny bug that crawls on the ground.”  I checked my future themes for school and I will be teaching the kids all about bugs for the third week in April.   Here’s the better part.  We will be focusing on spiders on my birthday.  I’m sure I can find a way to make it fun and not gross. 

The new building is in progress still.  We were supposed to be moved in by Monday, yes, tomorrow, but no, that’s not happening.  Phil, the person working on the building, will not be leaving until Tuesday.  What does that mean for us?  It means that with Phil’s extra supplies and other materials that he needed to bring, on the floor, we can’t complete the cleaning process.  The four-year-old classroom is clean; however, the three-year-old classroom is not.  Once that classroom is clean, my room can be emptied and then set up.  I have done what I can so far.  I have set up my bulletin boards and plan on setting up my lending library today.  Yes, I heard you.  “What’s a lending library?”  It’s a set of backpacks with books, games, or other materials that help to emphasize a particular topic.  A few of them are as follows:  shapes, numbers, letters, Alaska, and science.  The backpacks are available for students to check out and bring home.  There’s no set return time but I’ve seen anywhere from overnight to a week of checkout. 

The weather here in Shishmaref is getting really chilly.  I’m wearing my boots often now. I’m wearing my bogs, that is.  Those go down to about -30F.  When it gets cold enough, I will pull out my bunny boots.  Those go down to about -80F.   Other than my boots, I am staying warm.  I’ve got my mittens and headband and jacket.  I did order another jacket, with the SNL logo on it.  No, I don’t mean the Saturday Night Live logo, I mean the Shishmaref Northern Lights logo.  I also intend on having someone make me one of the awesome headbands I see people wearing to keep my ears warmer.  A little girl in my class came to school with her new headband on and I stared at it for literally five minutes. I’m not even joking, it was amazing!  We do have snow but it’s not piled up yet.  I haven’t seen more than two snow people yet.  However, the two that I did see, were quite elegant.
Owl in the air

Owl on the pole
I saw an owl!  I don’t know what kind it was, but I saw it.  I got a picture of it sitting on the pole as well as one of it flying away.  After it flew, it landed near the water, which yes, is freezing over, but then a raven came right next to it.  It didn’t look like they were hurting each other.  I was far away enough that I could have missed some things. 

I went to the first home volleyball game last night.  I don’t think I’ve ever watched volleyball until last night.  It was interesting.  I kept counting, 1, 2, 3., each time the ball was on one side of the net so I could remember how many more times they could hit the ball to make it over the net.  I got to hold Caroline for most of the time.  Caroline turned one year old recently.  She’s one of the daughters of another teacher, one who has made it 14 years up here.  Caroline sat with me, pointed in the same direction for most of the night, and ate an orange Mr. Freeze. You know which ones I mean, right?  They’re in the plastic wrapper and they’re about a quarter each.  They come in many colors, purple being my favorite, what’s your favorite color to eat? 

Painting with cars :D
Did I really have you going?  You don’t think I’d actually be able to be this far away and not have some form of communication going on with you all, did you?  Here’s the real deal.  I really do have writer’s block.  You know, the one where authors/blog writers can’t think of a dang thing to say.  Well, I hope to be able to create my published pieces soon.  On that note, this will NOT be my last blog post.  I’m not sure when I will update again.  Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later.  Have a splendid day and remember that April Fool’s Day is only 140 days away.  If you fell for this one, you better get ready to be fooled once again.  Good Luck!

The Early Fooler

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