This was going to be posted last night but the internet wasn’t
working…stupid weather.
Oh, the early hours of the morning came too fast today. I got up and laid in bed for a while,
but eventually got up and headed to the church basement. I got as much ready as I could for
today. I will be adding water to
the sand/water table tomorrow. There’s
no running water in the church so I will have to transport the water down
there. I will also be rearranging
the room a little bit. I set up
the dramatic play area on one end of the room in attempt to keep the kids out
of another area. This didn’t seem
to work. Instead, the kids like to
hide behind the dramatic play items because then I can’t see them from the
carpet. Due to this, I’m trading
spaces with the sand/water table and the dramatic play area.
After swimming I showered at school, where there’s
plumbing! After that, do you want
to take a guess what I did?
No? Are you sick of
guessing? I’ll tell you. I dropped my stuff off at home then
headed back to school to work on more stuff.
Even though I was sick of working on stuff for the day, I
still accomplished a couple things.
I completed my calendar for birthdays, got my job chart figured out, and
determined the order I’m going to use for the math activity cards (the cards
are mandatory). My new favorite
school related task though is this:
shopping for my classroom!!!!! I got to look through all of the
magazines and decide what I want for my classroom. Of course, the list will have to be approved, but I did find
some pretty sweet things! As I was looking though each of the magazines, I was
thinking about when I have my own room. There are only so many things we have
at the little school and everything needs to be shared. Both the 3 and 4 year old classes use
the same general curriculum so the themes are the same. This means, each week, the dramatic
play, science, math, blocks, art, sand/water table, etc will need to be about
the same set up. Due to this, we need
how many of each thing do you think?
Exactly, I found some things that could work in both rooms, but mine
mostly. I mean, if you were
finding things for your classroom, would you buy something that wouldn’t work
for you? I’ll list a few things
that I put on my list for my classroom:
an easel (whiteboard/magnetic), alphabet activity balls, multicultural
crayons, finger paint, magnetic letters, music CD’s, an organizer for me, a bug
sorting kit, a weather board, and geo boards. Don’t know what geo boards are? Don’t worry, I’ll tell ‘ya! They’re typically square boards that have peg like sticks
sticking out of them so rubber bands can be wrapped around them. These are used for children when they’re
working on geometry mostly, but they’re really fun to just make rubber band
pictures with too.
I think I’m getting sick so I’m going to hit the hay. The warmth of my blankets and pillows
should help the monstrous headache I’ve got.
<3 Stay well!
Great swimming story, Lauren. I like the part about going "over to the artic circle." For those of us in the lower 48, that's thousands of miles.