Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, I’d like to welcome
you to the update of Lauren over the last week. Maybe I’ll make it short and sweet, probably not
I’ve given the Snack Shack another try. My typical Friday night excitement
involves a cheeseburger AND fries (with my own BBQ provided) and a
chocolate/vanilla milkshake. Did
you notice how I wrote and? Nope,
the capitalization wasn’t an error.
At the Snack Shack, if you say ‘and’ the burger will come with a side of
fries; however, if you say ‘with’ the burger will come separately from an
entire side order of fries. What’s
the price for this delicious entrée?
What’s the farthest you’ve traveled from your friends and
family? How long were you
gone? How close were you to them
to begin with? Being in AK when
most of your friends and family are in WI or MN is tough. I wasn’t really sure how much I wanted
to say on here with people I don’t known reading this possibly. Then I thought about it and realized
that I was more concerned with the people I do know reading it. Then, I considered cancelling the whole
blog idea. Obviously, I kept
thinking about it and ended up sticking with it.
Being up here makes staying in contact with friends and
family harder than expected. It’s
not like I don’t get to talk to them, it’s just not the same. A friend and I are having a
conversation online about how difficult it is that being so far from
everyone. Yes, we’ve made new
friends but they’re not the same kinds of friends we have back home. I’ve been told that that’s what happens
as you grow up but should friends still be friends no matter how old?
When I was at home and something happened I was at least
surrounded by people I was fully comfortable with. I was able to express myself however I felt the need and it
didn’t matter. It’s not that
I can’t express myself in AK, because I can, it just isn’t the same because
I’ve only known the people here for two months. I’m not trying to hide my real self from them, it just
happens sometimes.
Do you recall that exciting news about me considering getting
a kitten? Well, my dream is
getting closer to coming true!!! I’m actually going home to WI for a few days
and plan on getting Sally O’Malley while I’m down there. I faxed in my
application to adopt her and as soon as it’s through the process the humane
society will call me to get things stared. I’m so excited to have Sally O’Malley to cuddle with. She’s a playful little one too!
Since I’m getting Sally O’Malley so soon, she will already
be here when Shayla comes!!! That’s right, she’s coming the first week of
November!! Shayla, are you reading this?
I hope you’re getting excited.
Make sure to bring warm clothes because we’ve already had snow here. The snow didn’t stick but eventually,
it will, it’s a realization I must come to terms with. Although, if it’s going to continue to
get colder and colder, we dang well better have snow to make things look

School has been a little crazy. I’ve got lots of testing (beginning of the year stuff) to
get done by the end of the month. Recently,
the kids in my class didn’t have school for the day because we did a hardcore
cleaning. All of the teachers in
the room, 3 and 4 year old teachers, used Clorox wipes to sanitize every square
inch of the room. The toys that
were far to tedious to clean with wipes, we used a Clorox/water solution. Due to doing this hardcore cleaning, my
learning lab necklaces needed to be cleaned. Well, the way I made them didn’t allow for them to be
cleaned easily. I ended up
throwing them away and making new ones completely. This took such a long time because I braided lanyard and
created necklaces this way for easy cleaning in the future.

I’m also getting closer to making the combined classroom
feel like my own. As well as doing
this, I’m working on figuring out the set up for my future classroom when it actually
is my own. What gives me the
inspiration to do this? Some of my toys came!!! I ordered some things for my
classroom and things are starting to arrive. So far I’ve gotten my weather/calendar pocket chart, 2
magnetic whiteboard erasers, a staple remover (which I recently learned is
magnetic too!!!!) and my kid ice packs.
What’s a kid ice pack? It’s
not just smaller in size but they’re animals!! J What child gets hurt and wants
something to make it feel better?
All of them, right? Here’s
my plan. If I have these cute ice
packs available for injuries then if a child won’t stop crying or actually
needs an ice pack, I can provide one.
Even if an ice pack isn’t needed, I see a placebo effect in the future.
The only downside to these that I see so far is that they’re so cute the kids
might say they’re hurt and need one even when they’re not. I guess I’ll figure out how that’s going
to work when the time comes. Now,
I just need to wait for the rest of my toys to come; I will try to be

A bunch of the teachers are having a big dinner tonight and
I’ve got stuff to get done beforehand so I’m going to head on out. Hope all of my readers are doing well
and maybe I’ll see you soon.