Thursday, August 30, 2012

Full of Curiosity.

The VTC’s were great way to meet in the morning (Wednesday, Thursday Friday)! Instead of everyone flying somewhere to meet and talk for a while everyone was at their own site and basically, we did a group skype. The part I thought was cool was that we could still see all of the people at the sites. We talked about generalized topics that everyone needed to be informed on.
This week, I got to go to Unalkleet!! You know, the location where they film that show with the planes? Well, don’t get too excited, I was there for inservice. Each day I had the ‘pleasure’ of waking up early and sitting in meetings all day. I did learn lots about Curiosity Corner, which is the curriculum I will be using to teach. I like how everything is set up but I feel like I won’t have as much freedom as I would like. I’ll work on figuring out how to make things my own while still following the curriculum. What is Curiosity Corner you may ask? It’s a cat. No, really, Curiosity is the name of the cat puppet I will get to use in my room. The curriculum itself allows students to use their creativity while learning. I will have Learning Labs in my room, which the students will have the opportunity to explore. Each of the labs will follow the theme of the week and provide multiple ways to be exposed to concepts.
The whole time I was in Unalkleet I learned about my classroom curriculum.
Now that I’m in Stebbins, I am learning about STEPP. STEPP is the idea that teachers go though a process to get to one place in the end. Collaboration is the key component!

(Copied from original blog - Aug 17)

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